Did you know if you turn down your room thermostat by just 1°C, it’s unlikely you’ll notice the difference, but it could save you up to £80 year according to the Energy Savings Trust.
How much control do you have over your central heating system?
A wide range of heating controls is now available to help you to control the temperature inside your home and to heat it as efficiently as possible. These include:
- Smart Thermostats – for the latest in hi-tech control
- Programmers
- Individual Room Thermostats
- Smart Thermostatic Radiator Valves.
- Weather compensators
However, with so many options available, it can be confusing and difficult to make the right choice. This is where advice from Gregor can come in handy!
Having installed a set of heating controls, we always take the time before we leave to ensure that they are properly set up and working normally.
Just as importantly, we make sure that you understand and are comfortable operating them from day one.
At Gregor, we’re not happy until you’re happy.
You’ll find a brief overview of the heating controls traditionally used in the UK below. Our Smart Heating Controls page provides info on the latest internet-enabled controls. You can also see this fun presentation by Honeywell.
Why not give Gregor a call on 0117 935 2400 for a free chat?
Boiler Thermostat
Your boiler thermostat allows you to control the temperature of the water leaving your boiler. It’s usually a dial on your boiler, and should be set in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
Timers and Programmers
Timers and programmers allow you to set when your heating and hot water comes on and goes off, and one or the other normally forms part of your boiler.
A programmer is simply a more complex timer that gives you greater scope to set exactly when you want your heating and hot water to come on and go off.

Room Thermostats
Room Thermostats help you to control the temperature inside your home. They sense the temperature of the air of the room in which they are located. When it goes above a set level, they tell your boiler to stop pumping water around your central heating system.
Individual Room Thermostats are often used in conjunction with a dedicated Programmer. The Programmer controls the times of day that heating is wanted in that room. The Room Thermostat provides an extra level of control by shutting the heating off in that room whenever its air temperature exceeds the desired level.
Basic and more complex Programmable Room Thermostats are available. The most basic allow you to set a single temperature. Programmable Room Thermostats give you greater control and allow you to set different temperatures for different times on different days of the week.
Thermostatic Radiator Valves
Thermostatic Radiator Valves help you to control the temperature in a room. They do not control your boiler, but rather work by increasing or decreasing the flow of hot water to the radiator to which they are attached when the surrounding air temperature rises above or falls below a chosen level.
Thermostatic Radiator Valves allow you to maintain different temperatures in different rooms. They can be retrofitted to existing radiators, and are affordable technology. They are often used in conjunction with a Room Thermostat to provide more efficient and effective control of your home’s temperature.
Thermostatic Radiator Valves ideally should not be located in the same room as your Room Thermostat.

Heating Controls Installation and Advice from Gregor
Whatever your needs from conventional or smart heating controls, we can help!
Call Gregor on 0117 935 2400 or 01225 738 397 for a free discussion, or contact us.