Solar Diverters
Do you want to know more about solar diverters? Visit our dedicated renewables site for more information!
Visit Gregor RenewableThe challenge with Renewable energy, and particularly solar PV, is utilising the power generated. Solar on a south-facing roof generates peak power at midday, when generally people are out and about (particularly when it is sunny!)
Storage via batteries is still relatively expensive, and so a cost-effective solution is to store the energy in water. To do this you, need a system boiler (or a heat pump) with a hot water storage cylinder (combi boilers can be converted to system boilers and a cylinder added).
What savings can I expect?
The key is the size of your solar PV system and also how much power you consume during the day. If you have a reasonably-sized array of 3-4 kWp and therefore are generally not consuming too much power, then the diverter could heat your water for free. This would mean a reduction in fossil fuel consumption if you have a traditional boiler, as well as Carbon Savings.
For more information, don’t delay, call Gregor today on 0117 935 2400 and ask to speak to our Renewables team.
What is a solar diverter?
A solar diverter is what it says: a device through which any solar power not being used in your home is diverted to an electrical appliance, generally an immersion heater in your hot water and / or an electric heater. The load must be resistive.
How does a solar diverter work?
It detects how much solar power is being generated in real time and how much power is being consumed in the house in real time. If the solar power is greater than the consumer power, then the power is routed through the immersion heater.
How is a solar diverter fitted?
A small electronic box is fitted, generally close to your hot water cylinder, and wired in line with the immersion element power supply. Then two Current Transformer CT clamps are fitted, one around your solar PV AC cable and the other around your main incoming mains supply.
What devices does Gregor install?
We recommend and install three products which are market-leading products manufactured in the UK. These products are:
- Eddi from Myenergi
- Solar iBoost from Marlec
- SolarEdge diverter
Eddi from Myenergi
View brochure for Myenergi Eddi
View data sheet for Myenergi Eddi
Solar iBoost from Marlec
View benefits of Marlec Solar iBoost
View FAQ for Marlec Solar iBoost
SolarEdge diverter
View brochure for SolarEdge Diverter
View data sheet for SolarEdge Diverter