Heather joined the team as Front Office Manager back in March as lockdown was upon us. A challenging role to start just as the whole team she was overseeing was sent home.
Heather’s main role at Gregor is to make sure the front office, of both the installation and servicing team, runs smoothly and efficiently, which she is doing incredibly well!
Unfortunately for us her hidden talent has been kept under wraps for the past 6 months, until she was able to wow us all with her coffee knowledge when we started coming back into the office.
Heather is an expert in all Coffee related aspects – she even has a SCA Foundation in Brewing and Barista accreditation! So for those coming back into the office for the first time, it wasn’t so hard when Heather was there to teach us how to make the perfect cuppa.
On starting a new role just as CoronaVirus hit the UK, Heather comments,
‘I am extremely grateful to have had the opportunity to start a new role at Gregor this year. It hasn’t come without its challenges though. Three weeks into the job we were all sent to work from home and that wasn’t quite what I was expecting. The whole team were so wonderfully welcoming and patient with me, teaching me all aspects of the business.
And who would have imagined we would use virtual communication so much – Microsoft Teams was a lifeline and has opened up new opportunities for the organisation going forward.
Now we are back in the office, I’m definitely hoping to get a coffee revolution up and running – something has to feed my 5 cup a day habit!”